Mehmet Mertkaan Erdem

Jr. Front End Developer
I am built in a way that constantly challenges and tries to improve myself, not only throughout my education life but also because I tend to learn at every moment of my life. My hobby is to use this enthusiasm for learning not only in the professional field but also for my personal development. In this context, I have always been interested in reading studies on history and sociology. What is more, I perform rap music as an amateur which allows me to relax mentally.
ReactJSNextJSReact NativejQuerySCSSJotaiContext APIWordPress
Istanbul, TR 10 years professional experience
B.S. in Mining Engineering
Visual Director
B.A. in Journalism
Associate Degree in Web Designing and Coding
B.S. in Management Information Systems
B.A. in Journalism
Frontend Developer
Intern Reporter
Creative Director
Bootcamp Assistant Developer
Frontend Developer
2019 Present
Work Experience
Frontend Developer Mar 2022 - Jul 2023
Havas CX Istanbul
  • I am using frontend technologies in the company. Most are Pug Template Engine, Next.js, ReactJS, React Native, Angular, jQuery, SCSS, and JavaScript to help my teammates. PUG NextJS React Angular jQuery SCSS
Bootcamp Assistant Developer Nov 2021 - Mar 2023
  • Assistant Developer for students as a volunteer
Frontend Developer Jan 2022 - Mar 2022
Zeplin Creative
  • I made a Landing Page using HTML, Pure CSS, Bootstrap, Vanilla JS, jQuery, and phpMailer. After that, I created a website with the help of WordPress. Then I decided not to continue in the company. jQuery HTML SCSS
Freelancer Jun 2016 - Jan 2022
  • During my undergraduate education yet excluding my military service times, I did 'freelance' work in my professional life both to improve myself and to earn income. In general, while working in areas such as book typesetting, corporate identity studies, and video montage, I started to learn and work on web design and coding. As a Freelancer, lately, I did several websites using WordPress. Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects Keyshot WordPress HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap jQuery
Creative Director Oct 2019 - Mar 2020
  • Designing, publishing, and managing the websites of the companies and brands I am affiliated with creating designs and logos for products and services. HTML5 CSS3 jQuery WordPress Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects Keyshot
Intern Reporter Jun 2017 - Jul 2017
Kartal Municipality
Visual Director Sep 2014 - Jun 2015
Mektup Newspaper
  • During my 4-semester long education at Maltepe University, I took over the duty of the Visual Director of the school newspaper from my instructor. This role also affected the course of my professional career. Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator
B.S. in Management Information Systems Sep 2021 - Present
Istanbul University
Associate Degree in Web Designing and Coding Sep 2019 - Nov 2020
Anadolu University
2.93/4.0 GPA
B.A. in Journalism Sep 2015 - Jun 2017
Istanbul University
Graduate as an Honor Student - 3.22/4.0
B.A. in Journalism Sep 2013 - Jun 2015
Maltepe University
Undergraduate transfer to Istanbul University with 3.58/4.0 GPA
B.S. in Mining Engineering Sep 2010 - Sep 2013
Cukurova University
I quit the university because I had seen no future.
Trainings and Certifications
Trendyol Tech &
ReactJS JavaScript HTML5 CSS3
React Native JavaScript
University of Michigan & Coursera
PHP SQL JavaScript jQuery JSON
University of Michigan & Coursera
JavaScript HTML5 CSS3
Anadolu University - Verification Code: FOBD0UWGVL
JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 ReactJS Bootstrap
Side Projects
In this project, I fetch the API and list data that are in the API. There is a single page for every single data.
ReactJS JavaScript Context API React Router Dom Axios IMDb API
This mobile application is a video chat app. I and my four friends wanted an ice-breaker app for the pandemic period. People who work on the same jobs, projects, etc. but they don't in the same place can use this app and get close quickly.
React Native Google Auth Firebase React-Navigation WebRTC React-Native-Video Formik Yup Validation
This project is a basic social network app. Users can log in with email or Gmail and create their own memories. Then if they want they can edit or delete it. Besides they can like others' posts. The main idea of the project is that I want to keep my memories with my dog Diba. I used MERN tech in this project and I got help from tutorials.
MongoDB Express ReactJS Node TailwindCSS React Router Dom Redux Thunk GraphQL Google Auth
This project is for my training. Users can search for books they want. I fetched data from Google API
ReactJS JavaScript Context API Axios React Router Dom Google API
I and my friend created an app for texting our friends on a timeline.
React Native Google Auth Firebase
Front End Development
ReactJSContext APIjQueryJavaScriptBootstrapTailwindCSSWordPressHTML5CSS3
Mobile Development
React NativeContext APIJavaScript
Adobe XDAdobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorAdobe InDesignKeyshot