Lays Rodrigues
Software Engineer | Solutions Architect
- Experienced backend engineer seeking to leverage expertise in cloud and infrastructure development as a solutions architect, driving innovative solutions and strategic technology decisions.
- Dedicated the last 4 years to cloud and infrastructure development, expanding expertise beyond traditional backend engineering focusing on AWS and Terraform.
- DevOpsDays Rio Organizer
- 2x AWS Certified (Cloud Practioner, Solutions Architect Associate)
- Looking to always contribute with the Latam Tech community as an AWS Community Builder and leader of the AWS Rio User Group.
Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Aug 2021 - Present
Senior Software Engineer (Since Oct 1st/2022)
Design and development of a new authorization product based in Kong Gateway Terraform AWS Kong Gateway Nginx
Responsible for defining the technical evolution of new and current products, considering functional and non-functional aspects like cost and performance. AWS Cloud Architecture Software Architecture
Analysis and breakdown of project/applications into epics and stories for team development Jira Confluence
Documentation of projects following guidance from known tools like RFC's an Design Docs Documentation Confluence
Mid-Level Software Engineer (Until Sep/2022)
Development of tools and products for our internal clients Python AWS JavaScript
Project and build architecture of applications Software Architecture AWS
Lead the development of Proof of Concepts to back technical decisions
Development of CI/CD workflows using GitHub Actions as also creating a repository with reusable workflows GitHub GitHub Actions CI/CD
Development of Infrastructure as Code for our applications Terraform AWS
Development and implantation of code quality/governance guidelines for my team and tribe to better manager our projects and insure security and quality of our products. git CI/CD
Lead the study and mapping of our team/tribe applications and how they integrate with other apps from our company to better understand how to evolve and maintain them.
Software Engineer
Apr 2021 - Jul 2021
Development of an Authorization API based on JWT using NestJS with TypeScript and GraphQL. TypeScript GraphQL JWT
Created Terraform modules to create and ECS Cluster and deploy ECS Service into it. AWS ECS Containers
Integrated Google Workplace SSO with AWS Cognito to use federated login on internal applications. AWS Cognito
Proof of concept of a build pipeline for Zé Delivery App using GitLab CI/CD. Build improvements were about to save 40 to 50 minutes for the developers based on the current Travis CI pipeline. Gitlab CI Yaml Android IoS React
DevOps Engineer
Nov 2020 - Feb 2021
Analysis of the current Kubernetes infrastructure and generated a report on how to maintain those resources while evolving our applications Kubernetes Azure
Presented to the development teams the 12 Factor App and how to introduce its good practices on day-to-day work. DevOps
Designed and delivered a new Kubernetes infrastructure using EKS and continuous integration with GitLab CI/CD, with full monitoring on CloudWatch, Prometheus Operator and Grafana. AWS EKS Gitlab CI Terraform Ansible Helm
Creation of new AWS accounts under Control Tower exclusively for the R&D team. AWS
Software Engineer
Dec 2019 - Oct 2020
Designed the cloud-first architecture for KeyApp, an application that had the purpose to be a facial recognition authentication and authorization platform. AWS Terraform
Developed the KeyApp architecture based on Microservices pattern to run on AWS ECS Python NodeJS GraphQL Golang AWS ECS
Designed a multi-account AWS workflow to follow the AWS model of governance using Control Tower and AWS SSO. AWS
Responsible for most of the AWS accounts operations, included governance, security and maintenance. AWS Cloud Governance
Automated the deployment of all the KeyApp microservices using GitLab CI, while running Code Quality and SAST tests, and requiring unit testing for all applications to improve code confidence within the application. Microservices Unit Testing Gitlab CI Docker
Software Engineer
Jan 2019 - Nov 2019
Rede Globo
Migration of on-premises applications to AWS, to improve costs, development and deploy process. AWS Terraform Gitlab CI
Improvements on the workflow that was used for the World Cup in 2018 to be used for others purposes. Python
Software Developer Intern
Jan 2017 - Dec 2018
Automation of tests and deployment of services and applications using Ansible, PyPi and GitLab CI Python YAML Ansible Linux
Development of the 2018 World Cup project, that processed all the videos that were coming from Russia and deliver into our systems for the Journalism and Sports teams to use on the TV Globo channel and others sources. The system processed more than 160 hours of material in a step by step application workflow. Python Gitlab CI Ansible Linux
Maintenance of legacy systems that supported the Journalism teams on day-to-day activities like: Checking the videos that were in the archives, select, cut and process them. C++ Windows
Publications and Presentations
Toil is part of our lives, and we get used to it, but we shouldn’t. Toil causes triggered pages. Incidents. Sleepless nights. However, there is a solution in sight: automation. In this dev chat, learn how you can use Terraform modules, Git hooks, and cookie cutters to automate away the toil and let you have peaceful nights of sleep.
AWS Terraform
Trainings and Certifications
Earners of this certification have a comprehensive understanding of AWS services and technologies. They demonstrated the ability to build secure and robust solutions using architectural design principles based on customer requirements. Badge owners are able to strategically design well-architected distributed systems that are scalable, resilient, efficient, and fault-tolerant.
aws amazon web services
Earners of this certification have a fundamental understanding of IT services and their uses in the AWS Cloud. They demonstrated cloud fluency and foundational AWS knowledge. Badge owners are able to identify essential AWS services necessary to set up AWS-focused projects.
aws amazon web services
After intensive training, this person owns abilities to create images of containers and understand every piece of the Docker's environment moreover install, configure and maintain a Docker Swarm cluster effectively, including skills to solve complex problems using Docker with excellence.
Docker Docker Swarm Dockerfile
After intensive training, this person owns abilities to use Terraform to implement and manage an infrastructure as code. During the training, this person performed practical exercises perfectly and showed sufficient skills to use Terraform to help him/her in the infra-as-code journey with excellence.
Terraform AWS
After intensive training, this person owns abilities to use Ansible to implement and manage infrastructure as code to install, configure and maintain services using Ansible playbooks. He/she learned along the training a lot of technical content, and performed practical exercises perfectly, showed sufficient skills to use Ansible to help him/her in the infra-as-code journey with excellence.
WTTD is a course focused on learning the way to write clean and maintainable code with Python and Django.
Contributed within the KDE Community on the Umbrello UML Editor.
C++ Qt Git
Awards and Accolades
AWS Community Builder
Recognized as AWS Community Builder in August 2022 because of my contributions to the AWS Community.
TDC Rockstar
The TDC Rockstar is a recognition of the professionals that contribute to make The Developers Conference the best and greatest event of Technology in Brazil
Day to Day
GitGitlabGitHubGitHub ActionsLinuxpre-commit