Andrew Lu

Front End Developer
  • Five years experience working with React, JavaScript, HTML/CSS to deliver exceptional user experiences.
  • Adept at contributing to a highly collaborative environment, finding solutions, and delivering customer satisfaction.
  • Enjoys challenges, thrives in teams, hard worker, excellent communicator, and strong writing skills.
San Francisco, CA 14 years professional experience
B.S. in Philosophy
Web Developer
Full Stack Engineer
Front End Developer
Programming Intern
M.S. in Information Systems
Fitness Goal Tracker
Small Business Web Site
2020 Present
Work Experience
Front End Developer Apr 2019 - Present
  • Migrated a multi-page user experience into a single page app, improving customer engagement by 10%. React Typescript Javascript HTML CSS
  • Architected product tours with React for a new feature that improved customer adoption by 20% leading to $1M in revenue. React
  • Partnered with data science to develop the front end for a product recommendation engine that increased user time on a page by 5 minutes. JQuery HTML
  • Participated in each step of the product development process from ideation to development improvement for features reaching over 150,000 users. Agile Scrum
Full Stack Engineer Sep 2017 - Mar 2019
Acceleration Works
  • Overhauled the UI of an internal tool to refund customers which helped the customer experience team of 10 improve refund speed by 10%. Angular HTML CSS
  • Worked with another developer to implement RESTful APIs in Django that enabled the analytical team of five to increase reporting speeds by 20%. Django Python
  • Used Selenium to build a unit testing infrastructure for a client application that reduced the number of user-reported busy by 8% monthly. Selenium Unit Testing CI/CD
Web Developer Aug 2015 - Aug 2017
Acme Corp
  • Maintained, developed, and designed the public webside for all 5 states on a weekly basis with TeamSite TeamSite
  • Developed and designed a UI for a customer health database and created a secure login for over 100 members. Javascript JQuery HTML CSS
  • Designed assessment forms for different customer stages that cut processing time by 30% Javascript HTML NodeJS
Programming Intern Jan 2014 - Sep 2014
Department of Transportation
  • Maintained a collection of static, informational web pages that report on road closures and other transportation issues. HTML CSS
  • Built an internal web app used by employees to query a central transportation database to understand important trends and statistics. JQuery NodeJS HTML CSS D3
Webmaster Jun 2012 - Apr 2013
California State University, Fresno
  • Maintained static web pages for philosophy department including faculty directory, research projects, and course and program info. HTML CSS JQuery Wordpress
  • Created a relational database database for tracking program inquiries from prospective grad students. MySQL
M.S. in Information Systems Jun 2015 - Dec 2016
University of San Francisco
MySQL NodeJS HTML CSS Javascript
B.S. in Philosophy Sep 2011 - May 2015
California State University, Fresno
Graduated Cum Laude with a 3.75 GPA
Trainings and Certifications
Udemy - Advanced CSS and Sass 2018
Udacity - Version Control with Git 2016
Git CodePipeline
Side Projects
Fitness Goal Tracker 2019
Created a simple web-app for tracking personal fitness which allowed entry of workouts and then visualizations for key metrics like mileage, calories, and weight. Deployed to Amazon AWS.
React Django MySQL CodePipeline
Small Business Web Site 2013
For a local small business, I created a simple static web site to show hours, location (via Google Map integration), and showcased products.
Front End
Back End
NodeJSDjangoMySQLElastic BeanstalkPythonJavaSQL
AgileScrumUnit TestingSeleniumGitCodePipeline